The consequences of credit card fraud charges can be severe, affecting everything from your job prospects to your personal relationships. If you are facing accusations, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure where to turn.
Understanding your rights and all legal options can be the first step toward protecting your future. This blog will discuss the consequences of credit card fraud charges and how an experienced attorney can help you navigate this challenging situation.
The legal implications of credit card fraud
The punishment and penalties for credit card fraud vary based on several factors. These factors include the following:
- Offender’s past criminal record
- The amount of money involved
- Whether the offender meant to commit the crime
- If the victim was elderly
Credit card fraud becomes a federal offense when it crosses state lines or involves foreign commerce. For example, a court may charge you with fraud if you use someone else’s card to buy something online or a card issued to someone from a different state. The penalties can be harsh, with up to 20 years in prison, fines and loss of personal assets.
This particular offense can also fall under other federal crimes, including computer, mail, wire and financial institution fraud. Some of these offenses carry even harsher sentences, including a 30-year incarceration.
How a defense attorney can help
Credit card fraud charges can shake your world to its core. The potential consequences loom large, threatening your freedom, reputation and future.
An experienced defense attorney can be your guide through this complex legal maze. They will explain your rights, analyze the evidence against you and work to build a strong defense strategy.