Everyone Has Rights In Title IX Investigations
Title IX protects all students, faculty and staff from gender discrimination in a school setting, including from sexual harassment, sexual violence and assault. In recent years, these cases have become increasingly hostile, often featuring wide-ranging accusations and leading to serious harm, both social and legal, to the accused. Even those who face unproven accusations and who are exonerated in the process can be hurt. You need protection.
At Hickey & Chung, LLP, our attorneys focus on cases like yours. Hickey & Chung, LLP, has a strong track record of assisting students and staff to obtain the best outcome possible during disciplinary proceedings, often preserving their enrollment and protecting their careers. To speak with a highly qualified attorney about your case and how we can defend your reputation, call our office in San Francisco at 415-484-4547.
What Is At Stake In Title IX Cases
Being falsely accused of sexual misconduct is among the most unsettling experiences it is possible to have. Being seated in front of a university disciplinary body and not knowing if you will be able to return to school is beyond challenging. Educational institutions take misconduct charges extremely seriously and are prepared to enact swift and meaningful punishments.
During these trying times, having a trusted, seasoned attorney by your side can mean the difference between a bright, successful future and its opposite. You need a lawyer who can prepare an airtight, effective defense strategy and help you navigate a trying and stress-inducing process.
Punishments for violating a school’s honor or conduct code can be harsh. They may include:
- Suspension
- Probation
- Expulsion
- Lost tuition fees
- Lost time
- Financial restitutions
- Future lost wages
- Damage to your reputation
- Damage to your academic record
- Criminal investigation
The benefit of a good Title IX attorney is that they can gather and prepare witnesses for your defense, gather evidence that attests to your character and innocence, and advise you on the best way to meet the charges levied against you. Having a lawyer present can keep school officials from bullying an accused college student or ignoring due process in their zeal to root out misconduct.
Understanding The Goal Of A Title IX Investigation
A Title IX investigation is a fact-finding mission to examine allegations or complaints related to gender-based harm at federally funded colleges and universities. These schools are required to comply with Title IX and to investigate reports of gender-based incidents thoroughly. Title IX states:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
These investigations look for policy violations, and it is the school’s responsibility to determine whether a reported incident violated their policies. Law enforcement is tasked with determining whether the alleged incident violated the law. Without a school responding rapidly and conducting a fair investigation, they risk losing all federal funding. The Title IX investigation coordinator may be required to work closely with law enforcement based on the type of violation.
If you are targeted in a Title IX investigation, there is no question that your reputation could be irreparably damaged, among other consequences such as being arrested and charged for a sex offense.
How Does A Title IX Investigation Work?
The process moves through several critical steps, as follows:
Notification to involved parties that a complaint exists and that an investigation will be initiated. The parties notified must be informed about the process, the rights of the involved parties and the allegations of a gender-based violation.
The investigation process requires gathering all relevant facts, which may include documents, email, audio, video, social media posts, mobile phone records and other information. The complainant and the respondent are interviewed, as well as others who may be witnesses to the alleged violation.
The facts collected must be presented to both the complainant and the respondent, providing those parties with at least ten days to review the information. If either party feels there is a discrepancy, this can be addressed.
An entirely separate individual must make the determination of whether a violation has occurred. Two standards are used in making this determination:
- The preponderance of evidence: This standard is that enough evidence exists to determine it is more likely than not that a violation took place.
- Clear and convincing evidence: This standard is used when the evidence establishes that the allegations are substantially more likely to be true.
The Report
A report is then issued, which outlines the allegations, the policy violated, the parties in the case, the evidence, including a summary of the evidence.
The final report must be given to the parties involved at least ten days prior to its finalization to leave time for a response.
After The Investigation
Both the complainant and the respondent have the right to appeal the decision and request a review. If no appeal is requested, sanctions are imposed, and the Title IX office is required to advise of the various counseling options available. They also have the option to pass the information to law enforcement if a criminal act was found to have taken place.
Schools Are Responsible For Maintaining Title IX Compliances
Both parties in these investigations have equal rights that must be upheld during a Title IX investigation, and the process must be fair and impartial.
The policy regarding prohibiting sex discrimination must be broadly distributed, available and accessible to the school community, typically published online and in print in handbooks and as a code of conduct.
School Cases Hickey & Chung, LLP, Have Worked On:
- San Francisco State University
- Dominican College
- UC Santa Cruz
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Davis
- UC San Diego
- UC Hastings Law School
- Academy of Art University
- Pomona College
- Stanford
- UPenn
- Oregon State University
- University of Michigan
- Cornell
At Hickey & Chung, LLP, we represent accused students or faculty members in the Title IX disciplinary process. Ensuring you have the protection of an experienced attorney cannot be overstated. Protecting your rights and reputation are of utmost importance.
Our Experience Is Top-Tier
Ms. Chung has extensive experience representing accused students and faculty in Title IX disciplinary proceedings. She is the recipient of several honors and distinctions and is a member of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel for the Northern District of California.
Mr. Hickey is a Harvard Law School graduate and member of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel for the Northern District of California and an instructor for the Northern District Federal Defense Bar. Mr. Hickey is on the faculty of Thammasat University, through the University of California Education Abroad Program and Maastricht University in the Netherlands.
Defend Your Reputation By Working With Hickey & Chung, LLP
Hickey & Chung, LLP, represent those who have been accused of wrongdoing in an educational setting. If you have been targeted for alleged sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual assault, you will need a dedicated and knowledgeable attorney at your side to fight back against unproven claims. In today’s post me-too climate, many are convicted in the court of public opinion before their actual case has even been reviewed.
Our experienced attorneys understand the hierarchies of college administrations and the disciplinary hearings that students, teachers and staff are submitted to. We can guide you through the complex stages of legal proceedings, from the beginning of the investigation through your day in court.