Domestic Violence
Domestic violence takes place in households of every socioeconomic background. In the Bay Area, the number of cases continues to rise, with 8,647 calls to domestic violence crisis lines in a recent year and 7,110 calls to 911 in San Francisco. At Hickey & Chung, we represent domestic violence victims and serve as defense counsel for clients accused of acts of domestic violence.
Types of domestic violence
Domestic violence is a broad term for various violent acts occurring in a household, including:
- Child abuse
- Intimate partner violence
- Physical abuse
- Emotional abuse and intimidation
- Isolation
- Verbal abuse
- Economic abuse
- Elder or dependent adult abuse
- Stalking
Domestic violence involves physically harming or trying to harm another person, sexual assault, or causing another person in a household to become reasonably fearful that they are about to be hurt. It also includes behavior such as harassment, stalking, threatening, hitting, or destroying another person’s personal property. The term “domestic violence” is applied when such acts occur in an intimate relationship, such as between married or domestic partners, between two people who are (or were) dating, lived together, or have children together, or are closely related by blood or marriage.
Legal representation for victims of domestic violence
Domestic violence victims often live in fear. They have usually been threatened with or suffered from serious bodily harm, suffered a physical attack or emotional abuse, or suffered intimidation. The threat of future harm is a very real fear, and actions can be taken by our attorneys at Hickey & Chung LLP for the protection of the victim. Legal action to restrict access is often the first step.
A domestic violence restraining order can help protect against abuse or threats. You have the right to ask for such an order under specific circumstances. If a person has abused or threatened to abuse you, and you have a current or past relationship with that person, such as:
- Married or in a domestic partnership
- Divorce or separated
- Dating or dated in the past
- Living together or lived together in the past
- Parents of children
- Closely related family members
A restraining order can order the restrained individual to:
- Avoid contacting you, going near you, your children, or your other relatives or people who live with you.
- Stay away from your home, work, schools, and other locations where your children are present.
- Move out of the family home.
- Restrict the person from owning a gun.
- Stay away from your pets.
- Pay certain bills.
- Restrict the restrained part from making changes to any insurance policies.
- Return certain property to you.
- Pay spousal support.
- Pay child support.
- Adhere to all child custody and visitation orders.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, we urge you to contact Hickey & Chung LLP so we can take legal action and put protections in place. We can file for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), a permanent restraining order (lasts up to five years), or a criminal protective order (stay-away order).
Have you been charged with domestic violence?
If you are accused of committing an act of domestic violence, you have the right to defend yourself. You may be facing a set of challenges, including being restricted from entering your home, seeing your children, and various other restrictions. You may have a restraining order. You may have concerns about the penalties that could be imposed on you in a conviction, and there are very real reasons for concern.
You have the right to an attorney, and the quality and experience of your lawyer can have a significant impact on the final outcome of your case. At Hickey & Chung, LLP, we represent those accused of acts of domestic violence. We seek the most favorable outcome possible, whether a dismissed charge, reduced charge, an acquittal, or alternative sentencing. The first step is to speak with us about your situation. We offer a range of benefits, including professional resources such as private investigators and other specialists that can be very helpful in crafting a defense. Call us today.